Passion Week


Kyrieeleison! Monday: Jesus chased the money-changers out of the Temple and Cursed the fig tree. Lesson I. Kyrieeleison! God, have mercy on us! Kyrieeleison- Jesus chased the money-changers out of the Temple During this Holy week, Our Lord Jesus Christ would spend His days in the tempple, and return to Bethany in the evening to […]

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Kyrieeleison!! Tuesday- Christ taught in the temple Kyrieeleison! O Lord, Have mercy! Kyrieeleison! Today, we learn from the bible and church tradition that Our Lord Jesus Christ taught in the temple and were questioned by the Pharisees as the Bible tells us, “Jesus entered the temple courts, and, while he was teaching, the chief priests

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Wednesday- The Jews, Judas, and Satan, Our God and Lord, Christ betrayal, and the day of sweet aroma ​ Kyrieeleison ! O, Lord Have mercy! Kyrieeleison. Based on Church Holy Tradition, On Wednesday of Passion week we see the course of the devil’s spite and the result of his crafty plans against Christ.  The devil

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​Lesson – Holy Thursday – Misete hamus ምሴተ ሐሙስ  – The Holy Eucharist Today our  Church teaches two most important thing. Christ’s humbleness and Holy communion. Our Lord instituted the Sacrament Holy Communion on Thursday, just a few hours before His arrest and trial. After He had washed the feet of the disciples as a

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Good Friday

Good Friday “Arbi Siqlet” Passion week  for believers have been a spiritual walk together along the way to Calvary with Our God and Savior Christ. It is a Passover we have been longing for throughout our lives; a Passover from the eye of destroying angel; a Passover from darkness and folly of sin, from the

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Passion Week

Passion Week Daily Lessons   Monday Kyrieeleison! Monday: Jesus chased the money-changers out of the Temple and Cursed the fig tree. Tuesday Our Lord Jesus Christ taught in the temple and were questioned by the Pharisees Wednesday The Jews, Judas, and Satan, Our God and Lord, Christ betrayal, and the day of sweet aroma. Thursday

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