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“Again the messenger praised you; You are venerated under the Trinity; The burning fire of your love consume heresy”
O! our Lady Mary, the shield of many, the multitude; You are the helper of those who are at the sea and precipices; May you help me at the time of falling, and rise me by your wing; For me, your servant … loving you from bottom of my heart, …not in my mouth”
Weddassie Mariam
Weddassie Maryam, a profound ode to St. Mary, unfolds in seven parts, each dedicated to a day of the week, celebrating her revered role in God’s divine plan. This eloquent praise, recited privately and in communal worship, delves into the mystery of incarnation and divine favor bestowed upon the Holy Virgin. Composed by Saint Ephraim the Syrian, this masterpiece emerged from his profound love for the sinlessness of St. Mary, culminating in her appearance to him, granting his wish to praise her. With humility, he crafted daily prayers, meticulously unveiling the marvels of incarnation and the divine grace upon the Virgin, guided by the revelations of the Holy Spirit.
Tsome Filseta
Experience the divine reverence of the Assumption of St. Mary, the Mother of God, as she transcends to heavenly glory in body and soul. Join us in honoring this sacred period, marked by fasting and devotion, commemorating her resurrection and Ascension. This highly esteemed feast echoes the unshakable belief in the incorruptibility of Christ’s dwelling and the promise it holds for our own resurrection. Embrace the assurance of our faith through the celestial journey of St. Mary, a beacon guiding us towards our own ultimate bodily glory.
Means for our Salvation
St. Mary holds a special [unique] place and role in Orthodox Church [and every Christian] since God has favored and glorified her high as an instrument for the work of mankind’s salvation. It is very difficult to talk / explain about the mystery/miracle of Incarnated God, God’s relationship with humanity, God’s love and charity without her willingness to participate in the Salvation of humanity to bear the Word of God Himself -hence the Church has called her the means for our Salvation [ምክንያተ ድሂን]. God has extended His grace to humanity in the mystery of the incarnation of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through the Holy Virgin. Therefore, according to St. Irenaeus, “St. Mary has a distinctive function in God’s plan towards our salvation. For she offered her free consent to God”.
Why Do We Love St. Mary
It is very important for any Christian to understand fully what St. Mary has played in God’s work of Salvation to humankind. It is very difficult to explain about the mystery/miracle of Incarnated God, God’s relationship with humanity, God’s love and charity without her willingness to participate in the Salvation of humanity to bear the Word of God Himself. She is the birth-giver of our Savior, Jesus Christ; in this she has contributed to the incarnation of Christ, and therefore to one of the most important aspects of His work of salvation. We Orthodox Tewahdo Love/ due the utmost veneration to St. Mary for the following reasons.